This module provides insights into job distribution across various industries within the country. Explore data on employment trends in key sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, and services. Gain insights to support informed decisions for workforce planning and economic development. Join us as we examine Rwanda's employment landscape and work towards a prosperous future for all.
The sector employs a significant portion of the working-age population, primarily consisting of young individuals with lower levels of education. Most jobs in the sector are elementary occupations, with a …. Explore.
The sector employs a significant share of the working-age population, with a predominantly young workforce. Most of the employed individuals in the sector have completed primary school or less, indicating …. Explore.
The sector employs a significant share of the working-age population compared to other sectors. The average age of employees in the sector is less than 40, indicating a preference for …. Explore.
The employment sector has a predominantly young workforce, with a gender imbalance favoring males. Skill requirements vary, with a focus on elementary occupations but opportunities for higher-skilled individuals as well. …. Explore.
The sector has a significant presence in the employment market, particularly among the younger population. Many workers in the sector have completed primary school or below, indicating a prevalence of …. Explore.
The sector employs a significant percentage of the working age population, with a predominantly young workforce. Female employment in the sector is slightly higher than male employment. The majority of …. Explore.
The sector employs a significant percentage of the working age population, with a predominantly young workforce. Female employment in the sector is 1.8 times higher than male employment. While many …. Explore.
The sector constitutes a significant portion of the employed workforce. It predominantly employs youth, with an estimated average age of 33. Males significantly outnumber females in this sector. While a …. Explore.
The sector holds a significant share of the working-age population, predominantly composed of youth with an average age of under 35 years. The share of males employed in the sector …. Explore.
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The sector employs a significant percentage of the working age population, with a mix of young and adult workers. Male employment is four times higher than female employment. Skilled professionals …. Explore.
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